ProjectLocationImplemented byStatus
- 116;; 101 0
- 80;; 100 0
Ivory CoastOro de Cacao AG
- 155;; 100 0
HondurasChocolats HALBA Foundation
- 80;; 101 0
Ivory CoastSave the Children
- 113;; 100 0
Sierra LeoneAkuna Cocoa, Jula Consulting, Solidaridad, Nitidae, Farmforce
- 83;; 101 0
GhanaInternational Cocoa Initiative (ICI) Foundation
- 80;; 101 0
Ivory CoastInternational Cocoa Initiative (ICI)
- 77;; 99 0
PeruHelvetas Peru
- 83;; 101 0
- 77;; 100 0
PeruNorandino and Chocolat Stella Bernrain
- 92;; 100 0
Dominican RepublicPRONATEC AG
- 83;; 99 0
- 110;; 101 0
BoliviaResearch Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)
- 95;; 101 0
GlobalCentre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
- 83;; 100 0
GhanaPula Advisors AG
- 86;; 100 0
- 83;; 100 0
- 83;; 99 0
GhanaHALBA (Coop)
- 89;; 99 1
MadagascarHelvetas Swiss Intercooperation
- 83;; 100 0
GhanaSwissDeCode SA
- 74;; 99 0
- 77;; 100 1
PeruChoba Choba Foundation
- 80;; 100 1
Ivory CoastBarry Callebaut
- 83;; 100 1
GhanaLindt & Sprüngli (International) AG
- 83;; 100 1
GhanaBarry Callebaut
- 86;; 100 1
- 89;; 99 0
MadagascarHELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation
- 83;; 77;; 100 1
- 69;; 100 1
Costa RicaLäderach (Switzerland) AG
- 83;; 100 0
- 74;; 100 1
- 77;; 99 1
- 80;; 99 0
Ivory CoastEarthworm Foundation
- 83;; 100 1
GhanaHALBA (Coop)
- 89;; 100 1
- 80;; 100 1
Ivory CoastFarmStrong Foundation
- 80;; 100 1
Ivory CoastCABOZ
- 69;; 100 1
Costa RicaChocolat Stella Bernrain (Switzerland)
- 83;; 100 1
- 116;; 101 0
Innovative projects with long-term impact
Joint projects of the members of the association aim to concretely promote sustainability in the countries of origin of cocoa. These projects are co-financed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) to strengthen the partnership between the public and private sectors.
The Swiss Platform for Sustainable Cocoa's Roadmap 2030 serves as an orientation framework for the projects. As part of its strategy to promote public-private partnerships, SECO is providing a total amount of CHF 13 million for the years 2023 to 2026, divided in the following three areas:
"Sustainable Sourcing Landscape Projects" (CHF 10 million): These projects encourage members of the Cocoa Platform to work with a variety of local actors and international organisations from different sectors and address challenges such as deforestation or child labour in a holistic way, rather than focusing only on their own supply chain in the cocoa sector.
“Innovative Value Chain Projects” (CHF 2 million): Projects under the umbrella of the Innovation call for proposals shall support innovative value chain projects proposed by members that contribute to a sustainable cocoa sector and measurably improve the livelihoods of cocoa farming households.
“Peer Learning & Collaboration” (CHF 1 million): Projects of the Peer Learning & Collaboration call for proposal shall foster peer learning, knowledge transfer and common approaches through joint undertakings with members of the Swiss Platform for Sustainable Cocoa and international partners.
Learn more about the 2023-2026 project cycle
The geographical focus of the projects
The geographical focus of the projects is on the main cocoa-growing countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia. The world map at the top provides an overview of our ongoing and completed projects. Click on an entry to learn more about the respective project.
Approaches of the projects
The aim of the projects is to promote social, environmental and economic sustainability in the cocoa sector. To this end, the projects address one or more priority topics of the Roadmap 2030. Below you will find selected projects from our priority topics.
Measuring progress
The progress of the projects is monitored and evaluated using the common Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework (MEL). The project leaders regularly exchange their results and experiences at member events and in working groups.