Besuchen Sie uns auf der ISM Cologne 2025! Gemeinsam mit unserer deutschen Partnerorganisation Forum Nachhaltiger Kakao werden wir eine Veranstaltung ausrichten, die sich auf Instrumente und praktische Lösungen für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) konzentriert. Lassen Sie uns erkunden, wie KMU dazu beitragen können, die Lücke beim existenzsichernden Einkommen im Kakaosektor zu schließen - und wie Multi-Stakeholder-Initiativen ihre Bemühungen unterstützen können.
This webinar introduced users to Evidensia, an open-access research platform designed to synthesize valuable evidence on the impact of market-based approaches to pressing environmental, social, and economic sustainability issues. Participants will gain a clear understanding of Evidensia’s unique value and specific offerings.
We discussed how different farming practices can help reduce carbon emissions and their potential impact on sustainability, looking into various scenarios. We explored long-term data on carbon emissions and balances in three cacao farming systems from the SysCom trial in Bolivia.
Many new sustainability regulations for soft commodities in Switzerland, the EU and producing countries are increasingly being implemented. This poses various challenges for companies, particularly to SMEs, to master the changing regulatory landscape.
Join us on 12 November for a webinar hosted by the Alliance on Living Income. We will present the findings of the Cocoa Household Income Study in Ghana, which we conducted with COCOBOD. Preliminary results from household income studies in Ivory Coast and Cameroon will also be shared.
Time (tbc): 14h00-15h30 CET.
Online, 9:30 - 10.30 CEST
Venue: Bern. This year’s General Assembly will be hosted by SECO for all our members.
Virtual Meeting of the ISCO Working Group Child Labour.