Media Contact
The Coordination Office of the Cocoa Platform serves as an information centre for sustainable cocoa and as a point of contact for the media and the public. Communication Officer Joël Frei will be happy to provide you with information. You can reach him by phone at +41 31 311 65 11 or by e-mail at joel.frei(at)
Press Releases
Here you find our press releases. Would you like to receive our press releases in the future? Please get in touch with us.
SWISSCO in the News
Here you will find a selection of media articles that mention the Swiss Platform for Sustainable Cocoa.
- Swissinfo: How the Swiss help Madagascar’s cacao farmers confront climate change
- SRF: Teurer Kakao. Darum kosten Schoggi-Osterhasen aktuell ein Vermögen
- TeleZüri: Reportage bei Bio-Kakao-Pionier Yayra Glover in Ghana
- Confectionery News: SWISSCO publishes report on 15 innovative projects in sustainable cocoa production
- Confectionery News: Swiss Platform for Sustainable Cocoa brings together industry actors in a bid to tackle deforestation
- RTS: Les nouvelles règles sur la déforestation de l'UE menacent l'exportation du chocolat suisse
- SWISSINFO: Five things Africa can do to make the most of its cocoa
- SWISSINFO: Can a West African cocoa cartel rise from the ashes?
- Blick Online: Seco engagiert sich weiterhin für nachhaltige Kakao-Produktion
- SRF: Geschäft mit Schokolade hinterlässt einen bitteren Nachgeschmack
- Coop: Taten statt Worte