The board members of the Cocoa Platform
The members of the board are evenly balanced between profit and non-profit sectors and decisions are taken on a consensus basis.
The board heads the association and gives strategic direction. It consists of seven members – the independent president and representatives of the five member sectors. Due to the large constituent size of their sector, the chocolate manufacturers and cocoa traders are represented by two board members. Each board member is nominated by the members of their respective sectors and elected by the General Assembly.

Filippo Veglio

Roger Wehrli
Manufacturers and traders

Alessa Homann
Manufacturers and traders
Barry Callebaut
West Europe Sustainability Business Development Manager

Petra Heid
Food Retailers
HALBA / Coop Group
Head of Sustainability

Monica Rubiolo
Public sector (with observer status)
State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
Head of Trade Promotion

Yanick Lhommel
Fairtrade Max Havelaar
Business Development Manager

Christoph Oberlack
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
Assistant Professor